Thursday, January 21, 2010

Lessons on frugality

Is frugality a word? Well, the intent is lessons I've learned on being frugal.

This verse is one that I have recently memorized and keep at the front of my heart and mind:

"Better a meal of vegetables where there is love
than a fattened calf with hatred."
Proverbs 15:17
The hard thing about owning your own business is that the income is not consistent. And, Chris' unemployment benefits ran out a few weeks ago. So, these two things can cause a person {me} to want to pull their {my} hair out with worry.
But, the Lord is ever faithful to his children. I have learned a lot in the past year, and especially the past few weeks about how to best, or better, manage the food-money balancing act.
- For starters, Chris and I have to be on the same page when it comes to our finances. It's simply too easy to whip in to Sonic for a happy-hour drink. I mean, what's $1.25? Well, as my grandmother would say, "It's not a good deal if you can't afford it."
- Next, we make (sometimes in our heads) a priority list for groceries. In our home, it's milk and diapers. (I cannot tell you how long we've gone without cheese in our home! It's SO expensive!)
- Then, it's a matter of thinking before acting. How silly is that? But, seriously, I find myself thinking twice before grabbing a paper towel. I mean, a rag will do the job and not create the waste (b/c trash bags are something we have to buy too and I'd rather save the room for dirty diapers!).
- I also am much more aware of my meal planning. Again, simple and silly, but true. It's amazing how many good meals we've had. And, all I had to do was use my noggin and actually USE the stuff in my pantry and freezer! It can be a challenge to cook hot meals when I have two awesome little helpers...but, it's healthier and much cheaper than microwave/box stuff. Plus, there are many life lessons to be learned while in the kitchen with your Mama. =)
- Another ridiculously simple thing I do is simply not throw food away after a meal. And, if their drinks aren't all gone, I put them in the fridge for later. This can make a can of corn and green beans last for several meals. We will eat it until it's gone. Or, they will eat it until it's gone!
- I also push back from the table. One, it's good for my figure and keeps me from being junked down while running. But, I'd rather have a smaller portion so that there are leftovers for the kids. Just writing that makes me feel so old fashion. But, I guess the pioneer women (the real ones, not the new one!) had some things figured out.
- Almost lastly, it's amazing how much money you won't spend if you aren't going into WalMart every 3 or 4 days. Yes, I have a love-hate relationship with them, but I love my family even more. When I know we have $4 to get milk, that's all I get. No hard feelings. It's a choice of showing my family that I love them more than immediate (and temporary) self gratification.
- Lastly, I spend much more time in prayer and in the Word. Proverbs is FULL of daily guidance on how to manage time, money, words, and relationships. And, let's be honest, I need all the help I can get with those! Allowing the Holy Spirit to permeate my heart and mind with His Word is the most wonderful close relationship their is. I'm not quiet sure how to explain it, but He gives me creativity and the courage to press on. His promises are forever and timely. He relieves my worry, anxiety, and bad moods (b/c they are there!) and replaces them with peace, love, and endurance.
I could write on, but I think I'll be done for now. I just wanted to share the really-really's with "you" (whomever that is!). I sometimes get discouraged reading blogs because it seems like "everyone" is eating out, shopping, decorating, taking or planning vacations...when, well...I'm scraping the pan and trying to not use paper towels!
So, here it is. A glimpse of my real life. I hope you are encouraged by God's goodness. After all, that's all we really have!
A little disclaimer: I know the written word can be interpreted many ways. I just want to clarify that I in no way think ill of those that are able to eat out, shop, decorate, or take and plan vacations. This is just a post of where I am right now and on God's provision. Maybe one day soon we'll laugh about these antics over lunch!


Sara said...

Been there. Wrapped the babies bottoms in towels, filled a gallon sized ziplock baggie with 400 pennies that I had scrapped together, walked (because there was no money for gas to drive the 2 miles) to the C-town Dollar General to buy diapers, only to be 25 cents short......BEEN THERE!!! It's not fun, AT ALL. But God is so faithful and shows us a part of Him that we might not know otherwise!! I'm praying for you as you learn to trust Him through this time! I love you, Kitty Marie! And thank you for the reminder! :)

Kimber said...

What a great post! I am praying for you guys as you can through this time in your life.