Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The face of obedience

Sunday I was fortunate enough to see the face of obedience.

I'll back track.

About two months ago Chris began to feel that the Lord was leading him to get more involved in music. To return to playing his guitar. Chris wasn't really sure what all that was about, but he began playing most afternoons. A few weeks after that, our music minister and his wife retired and moved away. Chris has led our worship the past two weeks.

Three weeks ago, Chris heard God of this City and really, really liked it. So, he looked the song up on his iPhone (not sure how all that works) and began learning it. First, Chris does not read music...never has. Yet, he is capable of playing the guitar and trumpet by ear! Anyhow, Sunday, he led our church in learning God of this City. He is a natural! He wasn't nervous, his voice didn't crack, he didn't have to make up words (like I sometimes do!), and the congregation joined in and sung really well with him the second time through.

It felt like I was holding my breath for forever, and then, I realized that I need to relax and relish what true obedience to the Lord looks like. My recent mantra from the Lord has been "I don't want your abilities, I want your availability."

It does wonders for my heart to see Chris 1) recognize the Lord's voice, 2) be patient in understanding His direction, 3) walking through open doors, and 4) following through with obeying Him.

And, for the record, it's the most attractive thing he can do.

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