Tuesday, March 31, 2009

How to stimulate the economy

Like many of you, I have had my fill on what it will take to "fix" the economy. It seems like it is the all-consuming topic of the news, the grocery store, get-togethers...you name it and I'm sure they're having a discussion on the economy.
So...imagine my surprise when I read this scripture the other day:
"I rejoice in following your statues
as one rejoices in great riches." Psalms 119:14
It got me thinking. Do I rejoice in following God's Word like I found great riches, won the lottery (which I do NOT endorse in any form), or have no financial worry? Probably not on most days. What would happen if I did? What would happen if all of us did? I wonder if it wouldn't stimulate the economy...or at least we wouldn't really care because we would be so focused on rejoicing in following God's will that we wouldn't be consumed by the economy.
Also...per my post yesterday, I was kinda dreading reading Proverbs 31. But, you know? It wasn't that bad. And, again, I think there is a lot to be learned about how to stimulate the economy in those versus. Seriously.
The Noble Woman works eagerly with her hands - bringing food from afar (probably a super cook), makes clothes for her family and servants, turns a profit on her investments, helps the poor, makes her bedding, sells homemade goods, and is well spoken and gives instruction. The pay off? Well, for starters, she doesn't worry about her family when it is snowing, she laughs at the days ahead. And, it gets better...her husband has full confidence in her and her children bless her.
She is so resourceful and diligent. Never complaining. Always looking to help others - both in and out of her family. And, her husband praises her. That alone is worth it all.
What are your thoughts on this? Could following the Bible's statues change the economy? Any ideas or ways that you're stimulating the economy based on His statues? Just a thought to throw out there.....

Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 1 of 3 Day Potty Training

For background, I've been potty training Eli for the past month. I felt like I had hit a wall with him and needed serious direction if we were going to have a "breakthrough." I found the 3 Day Potty Training website and was impressed! I bought the e-book for $24, which, honestly is nothing compared to the price of diapers and pull-ups!
So, today was Day 1. I woke up early to be totally ready for the day before Eli woke up. I also decided it was best to read my Bible first-thing - because, well, 1) it's Monday and 2) this is a big task ahead and I need my mind focused! As I sat in bed holding Abi, I thought "What day is today? Oh, the 30th. Oh, great. Proverbs 30 is about the "perfect" woman." And, I looked at Abi and told her that I didn't know if I was up to the comparison first thing in the morning. But, if the Lord had a word for me, then it was meant to be. So, I opened my Bible to Proverbs...and to my delight, the virtuous woman Proverb is 31, not 30! Whew! I admit it, I was relieved. I am human after all! So, as I read Proverbs 30, I was quiet pleased. Proverbs 31:5 says, "Every word of God proves true; he is a shield for those who take refuge in him." Why is this great?! This is Abi's life verse! We had a moment of discussion about her life verse. She was very receptive. AND, the Lord promises to never leave us or forsake us, or give us more than we can handle, and He is Immanuel: God with us. Definitely the promises I needed to remember when potty training!
On to the potty training...Eli did really well. Not perfect, but definitely moving in the right direction. The method is based on positive reinforcement and consistency. I wasn't sure if I could be consistently positive all day...but I did it! I abstained from saying "no" and "bad" and other like words. Plus, Eli stayed dry for his 2 hour nap! Celebration!!!!! When Chris got home he made a big deal about Eli's big boy underwear. Eli took his daddy to see all of them in his basket...that once had diapers! Eli was jibber-jabbing away about them! The method is TOTAL big-boy underwear from here on out, so there is no confusion with pull-ups. I am prepared to change crib sheets (one of the worst things ever, why?) and will not get upset (this is more of a self-motivation pitch). So, we'll see how tonight goes.
And, of course, tomorrow it's on to reading Proverbs 31. More to come on that!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Weekender

Oh my gosh. Chris just turned on Seinfeld. How many times have I seen EVERY episode of Seinfeld??????????? While I can appreciate some Seinfeld, it's probably not at 11:08pm on Sunday night. Oh well. I'll ignore it by blogging!
We've had a great weekend! And, experienced the extremes of NW Arkansas weather. We had a lot of ice and heavy snow flakes all day Saturday, followed by a gorgeous mid-50 degree Sunday!
On Friday night, we splurged and had sushi. It was a guilty pleasure. We also hit up the local WalMart. What can I say? Absolultey nothing!
Saturday we hung out at the house. Eli and I made Easter cards - he's a natural stamper! We also had extensive coloring time, basketball watching, and being silly!
Today we officially celebrated Aunt GaGa's birthday. Mom made Taliban stew...or Red Beans and Rice...or RBR. They were delish!!!! I made a Health Bar cake. It was yummy. Eli "talked" Aunt GaGa's ear off. So cute! We then went to CK's parent's home to exchange vehicles. We enjoyed hearing about their Spring Break trip and how Ian is GROWING UP A STORM! So, we came home and the kids took a nap. Chris washed his truck...and I napped in the sunshine in a lounge chair...in the front yard! I'm sure my whiteness was appreciated by all! But, I slept so good and got some good sun too!
Tomorrow we are beginning the 3 Day Potty Training method! I am SO excited! I think Eli is ont he verge of being done training, and this method will give me the confidence to get it done! I'll keep you posted on the progress! I am just giddy about no more diapers! Plus, he is so cute in his tighty-whities!
Ok, I'm so tired. I was up at 4:30 and only a short nap (in the front yard!).

Thursday, March 26, 2009

New blog!




At the end of a long day...

When my feet hurt

When I'm hungry

When the dishes are piled high

When the laundry is staring at me

When the toys are all consuming

When the poop has been cleaned up

When the pee has been cleaned up

When all I can think of are the sheets

I get to see this face:

And I realize just how blessed I am.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Trip to Siloam

Wow! We have had a busy last few days. Yesterday, the kids and I went to Siloam. We picked up PaPaw and went for a visit to Mr. Gene and Ms. Pat's home. They own a "junk" store and have lots of stuff at their home. We went to look at some things that we might can use at our church. After the torrential rain, the day turned out lovely and Eli enjoyed exploring their yard. When we got back to PaPaw and Grannie's we took a walk. I think it took an hour to walk a quarter mile! Eli was observing everything. He was running and took a tumble (although he never missed a beat). He played doctor and cleaned his scraped knees with hydrogen peroxide and put his bandaids on. He is getting so big and independant! Aunt GaGa and Uncle Micah came over and brought dinner: chicken spaghetti. Eli ate two plates full! He is CRAZY about Aunt GaGa. CRAZY. She had to read him atleast 10 books. She tried to get Eli to take the books to Uncle Micah - but Eli took her hand and put it on the book! So funny!
This morning, the kids, PaPaw and I went to watch the new Really Woolly movie. It's called "The Tree of Life." Great movie! It was showing for free at the Siloam Spring's theater. There were a ton of people! Eli did great - he and his PaPaw shared popcorn and Root Beer. What more could you ask for? We also stopped by Ms. Pat's store and then had Mexican food for lunch. Poor Eli quickly passed out on the way home. In fact, he's still napping!
Well, that's a recap of the last few days. Have a good rest of the week!

Monday, March 23, 2009


I don't have much to say...but, it seems if I don't write a new post then my blog list doesn't update. And, yes, I often check up on those blogs!
We had a busy weekend! Busy...I was bone tired last night. And, that's not a good sign when small children are involved. But...we had a good weekend.
It's so great to hear about everyone's Spring Break plans. Secretly, I wish I was going on some fun trip (with no expense ofcourse!) with or with out the family. Just to go somewhere new and fun and to be adventurous! And, definitely to find a good ice cream place. You can always find good ice cream on vacation!
This morning my friend Sarah had her wisdom teeth taken out. So, I watched her 3 kids. Yes, with my 2 kids, that's 5!!! They were great though. We watched Milo and Otis, the Emperor's New Groove, and 2 Veggie Tales videos. I know, it was TV overload. But, it was too windy to play outside and I don't have any big kid toys. So...TV and cheeze-its were our activities of choice!
Tonight I'm going to attempt to make homemade pesto. I've wanted to do this forever. I'm using the recipe from when Oprah had the Food Network chefs cook with families a few weeks back. More to come on this.
Abi's crying...must feed her!

Friday, March 20, 2009


The kids had a great check up yesterday. Abigail is 11 lbs 7 oz (75th percentile) and 23.23 inches (90th percentile)! The doctor said she couldn't be growing any better! Eli is 24 lbs and 34 inches. Still tall and skinny!

We're glad it's the weekend! I really want to plan...then plant my garden. But, I can't get Chris and I together long enough to get it planned. Figures. I'll probably still be talking about planning the garden well thru the summer.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Awesome Weather!

WOO HOO! We have had record warm weather for the past two days! Praise the Lord! (And praise Him that I found time to paint my toe nails last week in time for sandal weather!) Eli has been doing some serious outside playing! On Tuesday, we went to the park with Sarah and Faith. Eli loves to swing. I need to take him more - he's not too certain about the rest of the playground stuff. Anyhow, it was great. Sarah brought fresh blueberry muffins and I brought juice boxes and Cheetos. The kids thought it was delicious!
We've also been doing creative outdoor play in our backyard. I say creative because, well, it includes a big tupperware bowl filled with water and a little Dawn (for bubbles!), a Darren McFadden cup, a pink plastic cup, a small tupperware bowl, frog and octupus bath toys...well, and that's it. But, Eli gets a kick out of it all!
He is spending the night with his grandparents tonight. So...Abi and I have been spoiling ourselves! I can actually nap with only one child at the house! And, oh...it was a lovely long nap! Then we spent the afternoon playing, smiling, and giggling at each other. Is there a better way to spend the time?
Tomorrow the kids go to the doctor for checkups.
Also, how sad about Natasha Richardson dying. I am so sad for her husband and two boys. Wow. I can't imagine that happening so fast...and when her skiing accident seemed so minor!
Ok, Chris is home and I want to spend a few minutes with him...and watch 24!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Early St. Patrick's Day

I thought today was St. Patrick's Day. It's only mid march and I still can't read my day calendar correctly! Oh well! I'm glad I sent Chris to work wearing green anyways! But, he was home shortly after - he's got a rough spring cold. It seems to be going around. Anyhow, I do enjoy him home with us...even under the weather!

In celebration of St. Patrick's Day I made Shepherd's Pie. I've never tried it, but I know that Chris likes it...and he's home to have dinner with us...so I was determined. I have this fantabulous cookbook that my aunt gave me when I got married. It's called the Fannie Farmer Cookbook. If I'm not mistaken, it's suppose to be one of the first real cookbooks ever put together in the United States. I love it because there is so much I can make from scratch! Plus, it does give a bit of history behind some of our favorite foods. And, there's all the techniques and lots of variations to many recipes. Ok, that's my endorsement of the Fannie Farmer cookbook. I can honestly say that I use it more than any other!

Back to the Shepherd's Pie...mercy. It was a lot of work! It calls for lamb or beef...obviously, we're using beef. The recipe said it works great with leftover meat. Well, we didn't have leftovers, so I had to start from the beginning. I chopped my sirloin pretty well and cooked it with onions, garlic, and rosemary (a new spice for me to use with meat). Anyhow, to make it fine, I ran it through the food processor. I was VERY nervous about this. But, it worked great! And, I used instant mashed potatoes! Go me! It's in the oven now and I sure hope it's good. There was quiet a bit of elbow grease put into it!

We're also having Blackberry Cobbler (not homemade) for dessert. Don't tell Chris! It's his favorite!!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day...tomorrow! I'm sure we'll just enjoy leftovers!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thursday's List

Well, I have a case of the Thursday's. For me Monday's aren't hard...it's Thursday. After 4 days of what can feel like solitary confinement or slave labor, I'm "done" by Thursday. So, since I want to complain, I will make a list of 10 things I'm thankful for.

1) The health of my children
2) The white hyacinths and pink magnolia tree blooming in my front yard
3) Oatmeal cookies
4) Quiet
5) Long hot showers
6) The ability to pray any time or place
7) Wireless internet
8) Mail (or atleast my 30 second trip to the mail box by myself)
9) Having money in my checking account!
10) Hearing Eli say "Allergies" and "Mr. Rogers"

Ok, they aren't in any order...just randomness from my random mind.
I'm off to sleep! For atleast an hour or two!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Prayers for Elle Myrick (Abigail Clark's daughter)

I spoke with my dearest friend Abigail this afternoon. Her 2 week old daughter, Elle, is in the hospital with RSV. She is on oxygen. The doctor's tried to let her breathe on her own today and she wasn't able to. She is not wheezing nor is she running a temperature. Elle has been sick for the past 6 days and the doctors' don't think they've seen the worst of it yet.

Please be in prayer for Abigail, her husband Les, Elle, and their son Reeve. They are trying to keep as normal of a schedule as possible for Reeve.

A Global Hallelujah

Friday night we went to FBC Roger's Global Impact Celebration service. All this to say that last week was their global missions emphasis week. They had the Children of the World choir perform on Friday night. They are orphans from Uganda and Nepal - and the show is lively with drums, dancing, and big smiles!
Eli LOVED it! He recognized the lion on stage and the clouds in the powerpoint. So funny what he notices! But, he does a great job sitting still and engaging! I am so glad we keep our kids in church services. It really shows how he already knows how to interact in large groups.
Anyhow - I really enjoyed the choir's first song - A Global Hallelujah. It is so true - regardless of denomination, language, skin color, education, income, clothes, geographic location, [fill in the blank here with any other demographic]...the Lord recognizes our praises as one!
One of my favorite Bible verses talks about how the rocks cry out if his people don't praise him. It is sobering to realize that the purpose of all creation is to praise Jesus. So often we, who were created in His image, fail to even take a few minutes a day to praise Him...much less praise Him with every breath.
Ok, I just wanted to comment on the impact of the Global Hallelujah song.
Have a great day!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Smiles that melt my heart

A word of thanks

I want to take a pause......and give a BIG thank you to the Lord! Our tax return was big enough to pay off our credit card and still have some left! While Chris and I don't advocate using credit cards, it was helpful when I went back to work after having Eli - funny how that works.

Anyhow, just wanted to give a shout out to the Lord for this faithfulness! We have been blessed to be done with the slave of security bankcard world.

Full day already

So, it's only a little before 10 - but what a day already! Abi slept well last night, so I was ready to hit the treadmill by 6:45. This way - if the kids wake up Chris is still around to help with them. And, it was my strongest run yet. Anyhow, then Eli woke up in a weird mood. I can't say bad because, well, he's never really in a bad mood. But, definitely moody. I knew something was up when he didn't want his bottle first thing. I put him in a Pull Up and was rocking him - and yep, it leaked all over my pants. Why did I get "dressed" for the day already? Should have stayed in pj's.
Anyhow, my mind was racing the whole time I ran (funny word play). I really need to start a home-based business. If anything to help pay for diapers, formula, and baby food. So, my mind is rapidly working. I have some ideas, but I need to get them straightened out. Please keep this in your prayers.
Today is going to be a great day - the kids and I are going to Dad's tax office to finish up our friend's taxes, then we're going to the Rhea Lana consignment sale. I got so much great stuff for the kids last time! HURRAY!!! And, I'm thinking about venturing to WalMart with the kids. This is a B-I-G step!!!
So, despite my attitude, my e-daily devotion was right on..."The words of the godly are like sterling silver; the heart of a fool is worthless.The words of the godly encourage many, but fools are destroyed by their lack of common sense." —Proverbs 10:20–21 What a reminder that my words can encourage or destroy. As a mom of two little ones, this is a sobering reminder that it's not all about me. And, that my kids don't understand all the "issues", but they do pick up on our attitude. As the Bible teaches us, we will have hard times just like everyone, but it is how we respond to them that sets us apart from the world. "The Christian life is about endurance." (for Mom - one of our recent life quotes)
Ok, I've got to balance the check book. I'll continue saying those verses to myself as I pay bills!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Recipe for Lettuce Wraps

Hello world! 3 1/2 hours of sleep and 3 cups of coffee later...I think I might make it! At least until nap time!

Last night I made the super delicious lettuce wraps from PF Changs. Such an easy and great and DELICIOUS recipe! I'm going to get it ready to email it out today or tomorrow. Send me a message, email, facebook note, or phone call if you'd like the recipe! It's so easy - in fact, it's a crock pot recipe.

I have to thank Rebecca J for her post about the wraps. Oh-my-goodness! I've made it twice - with a few modifications. They are so great!

Well, I need to get Abi cleaned and everyone dressed. We're having lunch with Grannie and may go to Lowe's later on with PaPaw.