Friday, September 4, 2009

Verses to chew on

"For God speaks again and again,
though people do not recognize it. . . .
He whispers in their ears
and terrifies them with warnings.
He makes them turn from doing wrong;
he keeps them from pride."
—Job 33:14, 16–17
Encouragement for Today
Do you wonder if or how God speaks to you? This word tells us that God speaks to us often. We just do not always hear him or recognize his voice. Today, consciously listen for God's voice. Listen for messages of warning and also messages of love. Remember, God whispers; he does not shout. We need to listen for the whisper and recognize his voice. It will always be in the "tone" of Scripture and will never contradict it. If the "messages" you get are in line with God's Word, you can trust them. Listen up!
—Diane Eble, author of Abundant Gifts: A Daybook of Grace-Filled Devotions

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