Ever since Chris and I had birthdays (30 and 28)...we can't seem to keep our eyes awake past 11, music and TV seems louder, and the mornings are harder to get going. Coincidence? Doubt it. We've had a great week. Very busy. Lots of excitement about the future. But, also trying to balance that with reality and trusting the Lord. Life as usual.
On Friday, mi cumpleanos, the kids and I went to
Sara's to help with laundry duty. She was wanting to get it wrapped up before her boys get out of school next week. I know, it may seem like a wierd thing to do on your cumpleanos. But, I enjoy ironing. My love for ironing goes back to 8th grade when I ironed to make money for my school trip to Washington DC (from Mexico City, that is) (see picture below). I'll tell you - my family had the most ironed clothes ever! Anyhow, back to Friday, it was a relaxing time and successful for Sara! Chris got home early (!), mowed, and we met a bunch of family and friends at Mad Pizza. As a disclosure, I only had 2 pieces of pizza and salad. But, I am still dealing with what I've self-diagnosed as food poisoning. Mad Pizza may be on the Osmon List of Fired Food Places. We'll see.
We also went bowling at Fast Lane. It was fun, but very chaotic...thanks to the low lights and loud music. (See first few sentences) But, it was good for us to do something different. Plus, Eli thought it was fantastic.
Yesterday the kids and I went to my parents to help them lay sod. Well, Eli helped. Abi and her Mama hung out on the front porch. Hey - someone has to do the hard work! Chris worked at school all day on a big paper. Yeah for him for getting it done 2 days early! Maybe this is a new characteristic of 30. I'll have to ponder that one for a while.
Anyhow, last night I watched Bride Wars...which I got a week ago for my cumple. It was good. I'll watch it again today with Glenda. Who, I might add, was in a bad wreck on Friday, my cumple. Fortunately, she only broke her arm. Ugh. Painful. Yet, in perspective it is good. I guess she'll be vehicle shopping soon.
Oh, and Tara, who works at a local camp and stays with us on her days off, locked her keys in her car last night. Chris got the neighbors involved - one works for the Sheriff's office. It took 6 of us to make it happen! Well, really only 1, but the rest of us enjoying watching!
This post is very long and random. But, I can say I've folded clothes, started a load of laundry, made Tara breakfast, and made coffee all by 7:30am. Oh, and had 3 Tylenol to help with the massive headache.
Now...on to enjoy that coffee, iron my dress for church, and try and get the 30 year old up for church.