Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Just a quick update...as Abi is awake and playing in her crib...
Chris and I have finished our courses for insurance. Now...on to the state tests. We each have two over then next week. But...then! We are ready to open for business!
The Lord has been very kind to care for us during this transition time.
Our church building is almost done! I'll have to post pics in a bit with the walls painted! Our first Sunday is projected to be August 30! So, consider it an invite...and come!
The kids are growing exponentially. It's amazing. But, they are so happy and seem to enjoy each day!
Here is a list of some prayer requests floating thru my head this morning:
Our tests/business opening
Our church (finances, building completion, visitors, lost ones)
The family in our family dealing with separation
The Bell family - dealing with cancer
Hope - that each of us would rely on the One True Hope instead of many false ones (government, our jobs, our bank accounts, etc)

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