Monday, May 30, 2011


Eli and Caleb...

Caleb Christopher Osmon

Caleb Christopher Osmon - May 25 - 10:22am - 19 3/4 inches - Healthy as can be! -

Big brother and big sister got special arm bands (Kudos to Dr. Gorman for hooking us up!)-

So thankful for the best delivery ever!

May 29 - My 30th birthday! Spent it with my family-

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Easter and Such

Above: this is how we found the kids sleeping a few weeks ago! They remind me of how puppies snuggle together!

Checking out Easter goodies!

All dressed for church! Or, as Eli kept saying, "It's suit day!!!"

The family (after lunch):

Me at 36 1/2 weeks...

The kids and I went to Bark for the Cure to check out the dogs. They were very impressed with the free TCBY and the song "Who Let the Dogs Out."

They also liked wearing the bandannas (mainly given to the dogs!) and checking out Petsmart afterwards (where they STILL think the white mice were rabbits...???)
Other than that, we're in full swing getting ready for Caleb! We're within the two week window! Chris has been so good about getting the crib and bedding done. We've got the car'll probably go in the Expedition once we're at the hospital! Our bags are 80% packed, snack bag is 100% packed! We are participating this weekend in a big neighborhood garage sale to raise funds to help cover our labor and delivery expenses. But, right now it's my nap time! {I always do my best to nap when the kids are at preschool!!!}