Well, I've got another 3 miler under my belt! One more, then it's up to 4 miles! It's amazing how the battle is mental. I guess it's pretty much like life in general.
Yesterday was a weird evening. It's like I was trying to create a situation where a certain sin would "just happen." Totally Satan screwing with me. And, my mind battled with "oh, there's always grace, etc." And, if you know me, then you know that I loathe when grace and mercy are blatantly taken advantage of. But, thankfully, the Lord was protecting me (once again). And, I'm forever thankful for His protection.
I've also had some other challenges the last few days. Again, mentally. I just don't do well in general when I'm tired. But, it's like at night I have a hard time going to sleep. I think it's because Chris is a night owl and I relate me staying up to quality time with him. Anyhow, so I get stressed about owning our own business and literally, within 5 minutes we had two people interested in insurance. Chris was like, "I was just praying for this." Thank you Lord!
Anyhow, the kids are amazing me every day! Abi has began clapping...or doing patty cake. She's also full of smiles and googlie talk. I think she's working on food. Also, today she discovered the duck call! It's so funny! She crawls across the living room with it in her mouth, sucking in to make the call! Then, she smiles and giggles and can't do it just then! Which, cracks her up more! Eli is learning more each day. He really enjoys our undivided attention! And gum, and suckers and popcorn! In fact, right now he's snuggled on the couch with Chris, under Chris' old blanket with football players on it, while watching Rudy.
Our family is doing well. We're continuing to learn to walk by faith and enjoying not worrying about our abilities, but our availability.
2 years ago
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