Well, I should be cleaning my house. Definitely. But, I can't resist the lull of the computer. What did I do back in the good-ole days pre e-mail? I specifically remember telling someone when I was in 10th grade (living in Mexico City) that writing a "letter" on the computer was stupid. Oh, the sense of humor in that! I do, however, believe there is still strong value, if not more value, in the handwritten message.
Ok, I'm rambling.
Another funny thing! I was the #1 skeptic of this P90X craze. I taunted my husband, calling it the BMX89. I know, I'm a dork.
Anyhow, back to the point.
Two weeks later and I'm wearing a size smaller! PTL! And, there are visible changes to my mid-section (I know, not hard to imagine that either!). And, I'm no "pro" - I can't do all the reps and definitely don't have perfect form. But, I guess it's the time invested of getting up and moving. The only different thing I'm doing in regards to eating is having a salad for supper. Not a "poor me I'm eating a salad" salad, but a "this is SO good!" salad. We're talking boiled eggs (more protein), hamburger meat or turkey, spinach (for iron), and finely (b/c I'm no veggie fanatic) chopped broccoli and cauliflower for the crunch factor! And, yes, still the good-ole Ranch.
I share this because it's positive news on the weight front! I have some goal clothes that I keep in my closet as a reminder of the cuteness that awaits. So, last night I tried them on! It was great! I was like a child on Christmas morning - I can so tell I'm getting closer! HIP HIP HOORAY!
And, this morning, I did Ab Ripper X and Legs and Back. About 90 minutes of exercise.
Wow. I'm so into P90X. Well, I'm really into having found something that keeps me motivated and is producing results. On with the healthier me!
Ok, now...back to that house cleaning (in my pre-maternity sweats that aren't tight anywhere now!!!)...
2 years ago
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