For background, I've been potty training Eli for the past month. I felt like I had hit a wall with him and needed serious direction if we were going to have a "breakthrough." I found the 3 Day Potty Training website and was impressed! I bought the e-book for $24, which, honestly is nothing compared to the price of diapers and pull-ups!
So, today was Day 1. I woke up early to be totally ready for the day before Eli woke up. I also decided it was best to read my Bible first-thing - because, well, 1) it's Monday and 2) this is a big task ahead and I need my mind focused! As I sat in bed holding Abi, I thought "What day is today? Oh, the 30th. Oh, great. Proverbs 30 is about the "perfect" woman." And, I looked at Abi and told her that I didn't know if I was up to the comparison first thing in the morning. But, if the Lord had a word for me, then it was meant to be. So, I opened my Bible to Proverbs...and to my delight, the virtuous woman Proverb is 31, not 30! Whew! I admit it, I was relieved. I am human after all! So, as I read Proverbs 30, I was quiet pleased. Proverbs 31:5 says, "Every word of God proves true; he is a shield for those who take refuge in him." Why is this great?! This is Abi's life verse! We had a moment of discussion about her life verse. She was very receptive. AND, the Lord promises to never leave us or forsake us, or give us more than we can handle, and He is Immanuel: God with us. Definitely the promises I needed to remember when potty training!
On to the potty training...Eli did really well. Not perfect, but definitely moving in the right direction. The method is based on positive reinforcement and consistency. I wasn't sure if I could be consistently positive all day...but I did it! I abstained from saying "no" and "bad" and other like words. Plus, Eli stayed dry for his 2 hour nap! Celebration!!!!! When Chris got home he made a big deal about Eli's big boy underwear. Eli took his daddy to see all of them in his basket...that once had diapers! Eli was jibber-jabbing away about them! The method is TOTAL big-boy underwear from here on out, so there is no confusion with pull-ups. I am prepared to change crib sheets (one of the worst things ever, why?) and will not get upset (this is more of a self-motivation pitch). So, we'll see how tonight goes.
And, of course, tomorrow it's on to reading Proverbs 31. More to come on that!
2 years ago
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